
1st - 6th graders

Lifekids JR

Babies- Kindergarten

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Proverbs 22:6

Be sure to check in your child each Sunday morning before service! Upon checking in, you will receive a sticker to pick up your child. There is a 3-digit code on that sticker, so if we need you during the service that code will pop up on the front left wall of the sanctuary!

All of our Volunteers who work with your children have been background-checked! We want you and your kids to feel safe.

Your children will have a fun-filled service geared just for their age. We believe that kids should have an opportunity to experience Jesus on their level. They have worship, games, videos and a lesson each Sunday morning and Wednesday night. We are training up the church for the future!