
Lead pastors

Eric & Angela Johnson

Pastors Eric and Angela Johnson have been married since 2005. They both share a deep commitment to their congregation and a shared vision for revival! Eric and Angela are Assembly of God ministers and blessed with four wonderful children.

Meet the team.

Eric Johnson

Lead Pastor
Greetings, I'm Eric Johnson, a Floridian turned Alabamian since 2001. Alabama is truly home for me, where I thrive. With a service industry background, I foster a family atmosphere in every aspect of my life. My wife, Angela and I are both Assembly of God ministers. We cherish our family of four, and we share a love for the outdoors, embracing activities like hiking and camping. Personally, I'm passionate about Revival and aspire to magnify Jesus. We hope you feel a sense of belonging the moment you step into our building.

I’m Angela Johnson, originally from Mobile, Alabama, and raised in a pastor’s home. From a young age, I knew I wanted to pursue ministry. Since 2005, I’ve been happily married to my husband, Eric, and together we have four children. My family are my greatest treasures. Worship is a passion of mine, and my life motto is “Change the Atmosphere.” My deep desire is to witness people having a personal encounter with Jesus that transforms their lives permanently.

Francois Sekaya

International Pastor 
Hello, I am Rev. Francois Mawuenam Sekaya, international students pastor. I am a member of church staff, Sunday school leader and intercession group leader also. I love preach and evangelize people and fun with everybody. My love dish is "FUFU" (yam).

Tracie Smith

Nursery & Preschool 
Hi, my name is Tracie Smith. I love working with the little ones here at Life Church. We desire to love on little ones just like Jesus did!

Robert Woods

Worship Leader
Hi my name is Robert Woods, I am from Cordova, Alabama. I grew up in the church, my mother is a minister of the gospel. I've played music since I could breathe. I’ve been playing for churches and choirs since I was a teenager. I love to praise the Lord and lead people to the throne room. Ministry is my life now.

Rico & Kendra Williams

Youth Pastors
Pastors Ricardo and Kendra Williams have been called to full time ministry and have been serving the Lord together since they dated and got married in 2021. They have felt the calling to help raise up and equip the next generation, which led them to jump right into being full-time Youth Pastors shortly after they got married. Their prayer is that God would use them to make an impact on the next generation no matter where they are and be a living example of 1 Timothy 4:12!